When we hardly see each other as we have gone our saperate ways,this is the place to keep in touch ,plan outings and all,
videos and pictures would be stored her so dat memories would not be lost
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Long lost dead blog requires revival potion ?
Hey hey farhan here,
well haha ..this blog is really stale..dunno if u guys told the rest of the 2e6 members of our blog.
hmm..well heres some thing for myself..
ive just had my birthday on the 12 of march ( yes say out loud:HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!..)
its belated..hu cares...
was one of the weird bdaes i ever had thou haha,especially in a normal academic class..the atmosphere is totally different...following the western style :all violence ,no brain
i was chased around the school ...and yes..i CAN run..
Farhan's proposal for future NP students
so yea,i have a proposal for the 2e6 ppl hu are going ngee ann poly
after u finished your freshmen camp (something like a orientation camp we had in KR)
you guys are allowed to join in CCAs..
ive been in astronomy club in ngee ann since last june
yes,i got permission to join in even while in sec school
..so how abt u guys sign up as well XD
no serious,this way,we somehow can still meet up with each other..
if you think astro club is boring,never judge the book by its cover..ill make it worthwhile for u guys hu r coming in..n yes..you allowed to take up more than 1 cca (the more the easier to get CCA points..u'll need it ..trust me)
N yea mel ,in case you didnt know..im directing this msg to u haha
so whoever joining me (nxt yr) and mel to NP ,plz join the astronomy club..onegaishimas!!!
Farhan's new life
So i took up a new extreme sport.addictive yet dangerous yet awesome yet painful yet...
aggressive skating..
omg..u dun noe wads dat?
lol nvm..
ok u guys been to skate parks?
we are skaters hu grinds and do jumps..very cool but stand a high chance of dying..ahem..i mean getting injured,joined up a crew but im the noob one around..haha
Team SOS(simply on skates..n we're not asking for help)
heres the blog..juz have have a look n get yourselves interested in the sport
ill always be at the somerset skatepark on tue,thur and sun these days so give me a sms if u wanna see me
charles sometimes goes there too
His last words
For goodness sake ,ive got these qns slapping on me wherever i go..
i have a gf alrite but im nt posting her pic
yes yes shes not singaporean
her name's paphasphim chaiyanboon don(pap-has-seph-fim-cai-yan-boon-don)
she from thailand ok?
hope that stops all these questions...sigh
oh yea,my lil bro accidently deleted all my contacts from my hp.. (kuso...)
so plz sms me @90720262
(i dun mind posting it online)
n tell me ur names,i would wanna go thru
msg:hi farhan,heres my no.
an oh yea,mel abt ur previous post,lets make it once a year
wish me luck for my O'levels ..haha
(those hu wanna teach me ait oso can haha)
Hai domo,jya mata
see u guys nxt time
-Farhan Tahir-
10:33 PM
Monday, March 9, 2009
hey guys!!!
come on!!!
why like so dead in this blog!!!
can somebody at least type a post?
give a little write up on how im doing?
im currently studying in innova jc.
im quite stressed up?
i take chem math lit and econ as my other subjects. de rest will be as normal like freaking chinese and gp and PW...
i cant believe it that there is PW as a a level subject. and its like 8 mnths kind of constant work.
so yea.
and im in choir?
weird rite.
and in class im called THE MAN.
guess im still like a man...
dats bout it i guess about sch for now..
i really hoped u guys could write more on the blog..
and dat we continue to keep in contact..
and have class bbq every 2 yrs..
i miss you guys!!!
really hope to catch up soon!!
love ya,
10:12 PM
Thursday, November 27, 2008
12:31 PM
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Hello guys. Some of the Class chalet pictures are here.
Those who had missed out the chalet, can view the pictures here too.
(P/S: Some are quite blur, if you guys wants any of the pictures)
Do leave your email at CBOX and I'll add you on MSN alright (:


Eileen! hahaha.

Charles, Shi Jie, Arun

Half-John, Charles, Melissa

Mis, Christina, Farhan


Morning... 6am plus.

Farhan and charles. Retarded lol.

Anyways, can we change the blog skin and dont use a navigations one?
So that farhan, you can do a GIF animation BANNER.
If everyone agrees, I can do the blogskin (:
Just tell me the colours for borders and background picture(get from photobucket.com)
11:21 AM